The meaning of “Fresh Kills”
Kille is a Middle Dutch word that means “riverbed” or “water channel.” Fresh Kills was originally named for its location along the Fresh Kills on land that was primarily a salt marsh. Throughout this exhibit, you may notice that “Fresh Kills” is sometimes stylized as “Freshkills.” That is because “Fresh Kills” is used to designate the former landfill and “Freshkills” is used to designate the Park but both pay homage to the land’s ecological past, present, and future.

creating the park.
project basics.
What does it take to transform one of the world’s largest landfills into a sustainable park? Learn more about the early stages of planning for this project, detailed information about each step of the development process, and what’s to come for The Park Plan here.
construction updates.
Visit the Freshkills Park archives to stay up-to-date on how the project is developing and see behind-the-scenes photos of different areas of the park. There are countless design and construction updates throughout the years carefully chronicled for you to explore!
green bike infrastructure.
With the help of a Congestion, Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant from the Federal Highway Administration, the Park team completed the construction of the 3.2-mile New Springville Greenway complete with a bio-swale design. See photos and a map here.
public review process.
The development of this park wouldn’t be possible without the help of informative, transparent, and extensive environmental and community review meetings and workshops. Learn more about the public review process and the Community Advisory Group here.
recreation + play.
Sustainably designed playgrounds, landscaped sport and recreation fields, and basketball courts are just a few of the play-based and recreational features of the park. Learn more about their design and how to get involved with volunteer days here.
extended timeline.
The landfill-to-park process doesn’t happen overnight. Explore this timeline to learn more about the development stages of the project and the many steps between now and the official opening of the park!
Transforming 2,200 acres into a sustainable park requires a holistic approach that centers the unique characteristics of the bioregion and honors the history of the land. The Freshkills Park Alliance has already begun bringing this plan to life.
all images courtesy of the Freshkills Park Alliance

developing the vision.
The Freshkills Park Alliance is a nonprofit park advocacy coalition comprised of members who envision a sustainable and equitable future for this 2,200 acre urban park.