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“Singing san-man”
Andrew Macchio was a sanitation worker well-known for singing through his routes. During the recovery effort, he would regularly serenade first responders who retreated to St. Paul’s Chapel for rest. Macchio has since passed away from 9/11-related illnesses.
Video recorded by colleague Anthony Quaranti during a mass at Ground Zero, Easter Sunday 2002

submitted by Billy Luba (BK Lot Cleaning)

submitted by Chief Jeff Pitts

submitted by Billy Luba (BK Lot Cleaning)

submitted by Charles Orozco (BKN1)

submitted by Charles Orozco (BKN1)

Thomas Cancilla (BKN1), submitted by Charles Orozco

Chris Abbate (right) standing with Jason Falconer at Vesey + West Sts. (submitted by Chris Abbate)

View from M1 (Canal & West St), submitted by Chris Abbate. Shortly after, he was sent to clear a path down West Street in a FEL

submitted by Pat Mac. Initially on vacation, Mac volunteered to help with the budget brigade. He was later assigned to work through Auxiliary Field Force.

submitted by Sal Annerino.

Andrew Macchio, the 'singing san-man' frequently sang to first responders at St. Paul's Chapel. submitted by Sal Annerino

submitted by Daniel Ferrara, with Ralph Muschitiello (QW5)

submitted by Chuckie Diaz, with Perfecto Oyola on 1st anniversary of 9/11.

submitted by William Buscemi

submitted by Steven Schmalzreid, with Larry Schiad and Olivia Newton John (one of many morale-boosting celebrity appearances)

submitted by Steven Schmalzreid, with plane parts that were given to FBI

submitted by Steven Schmalzreid. Andrew Macchio, who frequently kept a towel around neck while working

submitted by John Corbin, with Patrick Maiorino (BK13)

submitted by Vinnie Slavik. Supintendant Danny Eric during roll call

submitted by Kevin C. Melfi, Sr.

submitted by Kevin C. Melfi, Sr.

submitted by Kevin C. Melfi, Sr.

submitted by Kevin C. Melfi, Sr.

submitted by Kevin C. Melfi, Sr.

submitted by Anthony Quaranti, with Joe Curran

submitted by Anthony Quaranti. Kevin Melfi with FDNY chief Pete Hayden

submitted by Anthony Quaranti, with Superintendent Billy Ford & Phil Marino

submitted by Anthony Quaranti. Queens Sanitation workers taking a well deserved rest

submitted by Supervisor Anthony Quaranti (left) with Superintendent Sal Annerino, Jimmy Hoffa's son, and Supervisor Joe Curran

Submitted by Anthony Quaranti, with Goldie Hawn

submitted by Anthony Quaranti. Hosing down businesses on Broadway

submitted by Quaranti, with Supt Billy Ford and Salvation Army volunteers

submitted by Quaranti. He and his wife attend a Sunday mass at Ground Zero

submitted by Quaranti, with Sup Melfi and military personnel

submitted by Quaranti, Supervisor Melfi with Chief Frances

submitted by Quaranti, with antenna from North Tower

submitted by Joe Pescador, DSNY Safety Officer

submitted by Joe Pescador, DSNY Safety Officer

submitted by Dominick Petrone

submitted by Melfi Sr

submitted by Steven Schmalzried. His brother Paul's rig, FDNY Engine 6

submitted by Steven Schmalzried. His Section 1 day shift crew

submitted by Melfi Sr.

submitted by Freddy Caceres (Sanitation Police)

submitted by Freddy Caceres (Sanitation Police)